How to make available out of print books again

Many high demand books are sold out, and publishers not ready to reprint books. In such cases, the sold-out books can be published through print-on-demand services. There is no upfront cost in print-on-demand service. Authors and publishers can ensure continuous income from book publishing.

Some books are once popular among readers now no reprint available due to entire sold-out copies. Still out of print books have high demand. Following are the example of two books in Library and Information Science sold out, and yet, readers want to buy.

MCQ in Library and Information Science by A. Y. Asundi.
Library Automation: Design, Principles and Practice by L. J. Haravu.

Authors and publishers are not interested in print again the same books due to various reasons. High printing cost is the main reason. Often the authors have to pay the printing cost in advance. If the reprinted copies not sold out, end in a loss for the publishers.

Paperback copies of sold-out books can make available with the help of Print-on-demand service. Either authors and publisher need to take the initiative to make available the book again. Softcopy of the book can format with the help of a layout professional. Find a print-on-demand service in India (e.g., Upload the manuscript and cover to the print-on-demand service website. Assign price, including printing cost per book, and royalty to the author. Print-on-demand service does not require any upfront cost from authors or publishers and no need to print the copies of books in advance. This method also can apply to publish new books.

Print-on-demand publishing uses printing technology to produce books one at a time. The books are printed when the orders come in. Therefore, if you have an order of 100 books, you can print 100 books. If a person who wants one copy of the book, they can print just one book. Print-on-demand publishing cut down publishing expense and eliminates the need for space to store unsold copies.

Online PhD viva procedure@Mahatma Gandhi University

കോവിഡ് രോഗസംക്രമണത്തിന്റെ പശ്ചാത്തലത്തിൽ പിഎച്ഛ്ഡി വൈവ ഓൺലൈൻ ആയി നടത്താൻ സർവകലാശാല തീരുമാനിച്ചു നടപ്പിലാക്കി വരുന്നു. അതിനെ സംബന്ധിച്ച് ഗവേഷണ വിദ്യാത്ഥികൾക്ക് ധാരാളം സംശയങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ട്. അത്തരം സംശയങ്ങൾ നീക്കാനും, ഓൺലൈൻ വൈവയുടെ ഏകദേശരൂപം മനസ്സിലാക്കാനും ആണ് ഈ പോസ്റ്റ് എഴുതുന്നത്.

Continue reading “Online PhD viva procedure@Mahatma Gandhi University”

Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution book released

This book is for Library and Information Science students and professionals with little or no Koha knowledge. It takes you, step by step, through what you need to know to work with Koha.

The price of the book is Rs. 400. Now you can place an order for the book from here

Preview of the book available here.

Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution is a Koha user guide that suits all, whether you are a Library and Information Science student or a professional. It includes information on the emergence of Koha, selection of Linux-based operating system, Debian/Ubuntu basics, installation of Koha, Koha modules, administration, maintenance, and Koha learning resources. This book gives the step-by-step instructions with clear explanations that demystify Koha. The authors of the book are Library Science professional and Koha experts.

  • Gives an idea on how to prepare for Koha installation.
  • Configuration of newly installed Koha.
  • Learn fundamental operations of all Koha modules.
  • Introduction to Debian/Linux administration for Koha.
  • Simplified Koha system maintenance.
  • Introduce various resources to keep in touch with the changes in Koha software.

Unleashing Koha: the complete library solution is the learning companion you need. It provides hands-on training that lets you dive deep into Koha, the Free Integrated Library Management system.

About the authors

Dr Vimal Kumar V has been teaching and writing about Linux and Koha for more than 15 years. A library professional and an expert in Free and Open Source software. His Koha Geek blog is trendy among the Library and Information Science community.

Subeesh Gopinathan is a tech-savvy young library professional. He is interested in knowing and understanding technology changes. He explores and experiments the Linux-based operating systems and Open Source solutions in libraries. Also acts as a resource person for Koha training programmes.