The inclination of library professionals to modern tools in the knowledge era

The Inclination of Library Professionals to Modern Tools in the Knowledge Era, consists of ten articles that reflect the innovative practices of libraries in the digital environment. The book includes ten papers dealing with various topics that can influence the work-life of the library professionals and the academic community. The subjects discussed in the book are library network, e-resources, scholarly publishing, digital libraries, knowledge management, Web 2.0, and blockchain technology etc. This book is published under Creative Common License for the free flow of knowledge.

Pages: 66
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-81-927778-4-9
Dimensions: A4
Format: PDF

Buy Paperback Edition from here.

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V., Vimal Kumar, and Savithry T.K., editors. The Inclination of Library Professionals to Modern Tools in the Knowledge Era. Kerala Library Association, 2020. ISBN 978-81-927778-4-9 Continue reading “The inclination of library professionals to modern tools in the knowledge era”

Using Zotero with Google Docs

Zotero is a Free and Open Source reference management software. Reference management software is a time-saving tool for the academic community, especially for research scholars, to save time while dealing with references. Zotero is a user-friendly reference management software. Now Zotero can work with Google Drive documents. Many advantages for research scholars with Google Drive and Zotero. Google Drive gives free cloud storage and a word processing tool. Users can insert the citations direct to Google Drive documents. Both citations and thesis documents would be safe at cloud storage. Here is the documentation of using Zotero with Google Drive.

Seminar on scholarly communication and best practices in research: snapshots

Kerala Library Association Kottayam Region has organised one day seminar on Scholarly communication and best practices in research at St. Berchmans College (Autonomous), Changanassery on 9 April 2015.

Dr Tomy Joseph Padinjareveetil, Principal, St. Berchmans College inaugurated the seminar.
Dr. Tomy Joseph Padinjareveetil, Principal, St. Berchmans College inaugurate the seminar.

Continue reading “Seminar on scholarly communication and best practices in research: snapshots”